Planned Parenthood & Other Pro-Abortion Groups: Who Funds Them?
List compiled by Diane Dew
This list was compiled from public records, annual reports, and publications of The Foundation Center.* It is therefore NOT FOR SALE, but may be freely distributed. "Freely ye have received, freely give," Jesus said. |
This list is by no means exhaustive (compiling it was exhausting!) Consider this page in a constant state of revision and update. Read the program descriptions. The money directives are very insightful. See also Page Two.
The Ahmanson Foundation
9215 Wilshire Boulevard Phone: 310 278-0770 |
Planned Parenthood-World Population Los Angeles $200,000 Year authorized: 1997 ** $200,000 authorized: 1996 ** $200,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
American Express
American Express Tower C Contact: Harvey Golub, Chairman & CEO
Phone: 800-528-4800; (212) 640-2000 www.americanexpress.com |
. |
John W. Anderson Foundation
402 Wall St. (219) 462-4611 Wm N. Vinovich - Vice-Chair. & Tr.
Type of foundation: Independent |
Planned Parenthood of Northwest-Northeast Indiana, Merrillville $25,000 authorized: 1995 ** $25,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Annie E. Casey Foundation
701 St. Paul Street Phone: 410 547-6600 http://www.aecf.org/ |
Planned Parenthood of Maryland, Baltimore $20,000 authorized: 1996 ** |
The Appleman Foundation Inc.
FL |
Planned Parenthood of the Palm Beach Area (West Palm Beach,
$50,000 authorized: 1996 **
Arie and Ida Crown Memorial
222 N. LaSalle St., Ste. 2000 (312) 236-6300 Contact: Rebecca Stimson - Exec. Dir. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $119,920,435 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Chicago
$25,000 authorized: 1995 ** $10,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Arizona Community Foundation
2122 E. Highland Ave., Ste. 400
(602) 381-1400 Contact: Stephen D. Mittenthal - Pres. Type of foundation: Community
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $103,189,434 Minority Focus: African Americans; boys; children |
Planned Parenthood of Central & Northern Arizona, Phoenix $34,500 authorized: 1995 ** "For Special Friends, mentorship program for African-American Boys" |
Arthur Ross Foundation In c.
20 E. 74th St., 4-C (212) 737-7311 Contact: Arthur Ross - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $9,136,810 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City
$14,300 authorized: 1995 ** |
Banbury Fund Inc.
P.O. Box 5315, F.D.R. Sta. Contact: Wm S. Robertson - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $39,549,620 |
Planned Parenthood of Suffolk County, Smithtown, NY
$12,500 authorized: 1995 ** |
Bank One Corporation
100 East Broad St.
614-248-5800 phone www.bankone.com |
. |
Barker Welfare Foundation
P.O. Box 2 (516) 759-5592 Sarane H. Ross, Pres. (NY and Chicago, IL agencies), or Thos P. McCormick, Dir. (Michigan City, IN agencies) Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 09/30/96 Assets: $50,939,518 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $15,000 authorized: 1995 ** $10,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood of Suffolk County, Smithtown, NY
Planned Parenthood of Nassau County, Hempstead, NY |
Evelyn M. Bauer Foundation (aka: M. R. Bauer Foundation)
1 World Trade Ctr., Ste. 1440 Telephone: (562) 436-9911 Contact: James H. Ackerman - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $28,000,000 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Chicago $150,000 authorized: 1995 $116,860 authorized: 1994 ** |
Bemis Company Foundation
222 S. 9th St., No. 2300 (612) 376-3093; (212) 376-3008 Contact: L.E. Schwanke - Tr. Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $2,735,000 |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota (Saint Paul)
$20,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Erik E. & Edith H. Bergstrom Fdn Inc.
P.O. Box 520 Contact: Erik E. Bergstrom - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 09/30/97 Assets: $46,658,308 Minority Focus:
Nicaragua |
Planned Parenthood Association of Santa Clara County (San Jose,
CA) $29,968 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York |
The Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation
25 Brookside Blvd. (860) 232-5854 Contact: Dorothy A. Schiro - Treas. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $41,486,339 |
Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut (New Haven) $25,000 authorized: 1995 ** $50,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
55 E. 5th St. (612) 224-5463 Contact: Paul A. Verret - Secy. FAX: (612) 224-8123 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $131,992,708 |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota (St. Paul) $50,000 authorized: 1996 ** |
Bing Fund Corporation
990 N. Sierra St. or: 9700 W. Pico Blvd., LA, CA 90035 (702) 386-6183 Contact: Peter S. Bing - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 05/31/96 Assets: $52,142,270 |
Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles $25,000 authorized: 1996 ** $25,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Boettcher Foundation
600 17th St., St e. 2210 S. (303) 534-1937
Contact: Timothy W. Schultz - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $210,195,000 |
Planned Parenthood, Rocky Mountain, Aurora, CO $60,000 authorized: 1995 ** $60,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Boston Foundation Inc.
One Boston Place, 24th Floor 617 723-7415 http://www.tbf.org/ |
Recipient: Planned Parenthood League of Mass., Cambridge $27,500 authorized: 1996 ** $15,000 authorized: 1995 ** $38,750 authorized: 1994 ** |
The Boston Globe Foundation II Inc.
135 Morrissey Blvd. (617) 929-2895 http://web5.boston.com/extranet/foundation/ Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 06/30/96 Assets: $992,101 |
. |
The Brown Foundation Inc.
2217 Welch Avenue 713 523-6867 |
Planned Parenthood Center of Houston $124,666 authorized: 1996 ** $100,000 authorized: 1995 ** $100,000 authorized: 1994 ** $26,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York
Planned Parenthood Federation, International, New York
Planned Parenthood Federation, International (London) |
The Buffett Foundation
209 Kiewit Plz. Contact: Allen Greenberg - Exec. Dir. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 06/30/97 . . . . In the fiscal years 1990-95, the Buffett Foundation gave $4.8 million to at least 45 different Planned Parenthood affiliates. . _____
Buffett & RU-486: Warren Buffett single-handedly funded at least two-thirds of all costs associated with the first year's U.S. trials of RU-486. In 1994 the Buffett Foundation gave $2 million to the Population Council "to fund clinical trials of mifepristone [RU-486]." Buffett also gave $176,518 to the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco for RU-486 "clinical trials." Another 1994 contribution of $437,209 to the Magee Women's Hospital in Pittsburgh, was earmarked for "clinical trials" (almost certainly for the RU-486 study). Besides the $2 million grant to The Population Council, Buffett also gave the Council five other grants totalling $772,174, one of which was designated for "clinical trials." _______ Billionaire Warren Buffett, who has earmarked overpopulation as a priority for his foundation upon his death, has donated $2 million to the New York-based Population Council to fund research on RU-486, the so-called "abortion pill, according to the Philanthropy News Digest, October 8, 1997.
_______ The Buffett Foundation listed charitable contributions of almost $10 million in the 12 months ended June 30, 1997. ______. . |
Planned Parenthood Association of SE Penn. (Philadelphia) $57,060 authorized: 1996 **
Planned Parenthood of Houston and SE Texas
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York)
Planned Parenthood of Central Indiana (Indianapolis)
Planned Parenthood of Chester County (West Chester, PA)
Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland
Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa (Des Moines)
Planned Parenthood of Hawaii (Honolulu)
Planned Parenthood of Lincoln (NE)
Planned Parenthood of North Texas (Fort Worth)
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (Williston, VT)
Planned Parenthood of Omaha-Council Bluffs (NE)
Planned Parenthood of Suffolk County (Smithtown, NY)
Planned Parenthood of the Rio Grande (Albuquerque, NM)
Planned Parenthood of West Texas (Odessa, TX)
Planned Parenthood Asso.of the Mercer Area (Trenton, NJ)
Planned Parenthood of Dallas and NE Texas (Dallas)
Planned Parenthood of Missoula (MT)
Planned Parenthood of New York City
Planned Parenthood of Omaha-Council Bluffs (Omaha, NE)
Planned Parenthood of San Joaquin (Stockton, CA)
Planned Parenthood of Santa Barbara, Ventura & San Luis Obispo
Counties (Santa Barbara, CA)
Planned Parenthood of South Central Indiana (Bloomington)
Planned Parenthood of Suffolk County (Smithtown, NY)
Planned Parenthood, Virginia League (Richmond) |
Burton G. Bettingen Corporation
9777 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 615
(310) 276-4115 Patricia A Brown, Secy-Treas & Exec. Dir. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 09/30/95 Assets: $20,349,582 |
Planned Parenthood-World Population Los Angeles $80,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Bush Foundation
E-900 First National Bank Building (612) 227-0891 |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota (St. Paul) $140,000 April 6, 1995 *** ["For its capital campaign"] $35,000 Dec 1, 1992 *** ["To relocate its Brooklyn Center clinic"] $140,000 authorized: 1995 3/4-year grant |
The California Endowment
21650 Oxnard St., Ste. 1200 (800) 449-4149; (818) 703-3311, ext. 234
Contact: Rebecca Martin - Grants Mgr. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 02/28/98 Assets: $1,759,533,900 |
Planned Parenthood of San Diego & Riverside Counties, San
Diego, CA $210,605 authorized: 1996 ** |
The California Wellness Foundation
6320 Canoga Ave., Ste. 1700 (818) 593-6600
Contact: Joan Hurley - Grants Admin. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $888,337,052 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America San Francisco, CA
$600,000 authorized: 1996 ** |
The Cargill Foundation
P.O. Box 5650
(612) 742-6290; 742-7575 Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $65,605,284 http://www.cargill.com/ |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota Saint Paul, MN $18,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Carnegie Corporation of NY
437 Madison Avenue http://www.carnegie.org (212) 371-3200 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York) $25,000 July 26, 1994 *** $25,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
The Carter-Wallace Foundation
1345 Ave. of the Americas (212) 339-5000 Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 03/31/96 Assets: $178,223 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $15,000 authorized: 1994 * |
Central New York Community Foundation
500 S Salina St, Ste 428 (315) 422-9538 |
Planned Parenthood Center of Syracuse (New York) $70,000 May 17, 1994 *** |
The Champlin Foundations
The Summit South Phone: 401 736-0370 |
Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island, Providence, RI $56,565 authorized: 1996 ** $21,473 authorized: 1995 ** $45,836 authorized: 1994 ** |
Charles Hayden Foundation
One Bankers Trust Plaza (212) 938-0790 |
Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic, Inc. (Hawthorne,
NY) $25,000 (for 2-yr. period ended June 1998) "Toward construction and renovation of youth counseling and community education facilities for their Southern Westchester Centers"**
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (Boston)
Planned Parenthood of New York City |
Charles & Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
Box 51 (918) 583-1791 |
Planned Parenthood of Eastern Okla. & Western Arkansas
(Tulsa) $105,000 over 3 years Jan 11, 1994 *** |
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
1200 Mott Foundation Building 810 238-5651 http://www.mott.org/ |
Planned Parenthood of Central Indiana, Indianapolis $225,000 authorized: 1996 (3-yr grant) ** "Toward Now for the Future Program, teenage pregnancy prevention program. Boys; Girls...sexuality education; Secondary school/education..." |
Chartwell Foundation
1999 Ave. of the Stars, Ste. 3050
Contact: Ed Evans - Grants Admin. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 11/30/96 Assets: $9,693,083 |
Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Chase Manhattan Corporation
270 Park Ave. Contact: Walter Shipley
Phone: 800-626-6021; 212-270-6000 www.chase.com |
. |
Chicago Community Trust (& Affiliates)
222 N LaSalle St, Ste 1400 (312) 372-3356 |
Planned Parenthood Association-Chicago Area (Illinois) $100,000 authorized: 1996 $120,000 Nov 29, 1994 *** $120,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Connecticut General Life & Ins. Co. of North America (CIGNA)
1650 Market St.
Phone: 215-761-1000 www.cigna.com |
. |
The Clayton Fund Inc.
P.O. Box 2558 Contact: William Askey Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $34,067,180 |
Planned Parenthood Center of Houston $75,000 authorized: 1994 ** $20,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY
Planned Parenthood of New York City
Planned Parenthood, Mountain Maternal Health League (Berea,
KY) |
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Inc.
670 W. 247th St. (718) 543-1220 Contact: Phyllis M. Criscuoli - Exec. Dir. FAX: (718) 543-0737 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $40,170,932 Minority Focus: Latinos "African Americans" Haitians Children/Teens & Preteens "Minorities" |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $100,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For final development and launch of media strategy and communications campaign to change societal attitudes toward teen pregnancy" $50,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood of Southern New Jersey Camden, NJ
$30,000 authorized: 1994 ** "Toward Cuidandote/Take Care-The Latina
Health Care Project, providing preventive reproductive health
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY
Planned Parenthood of Essex County Newark, NJ
Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey Morristown, NJ
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY
Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey (Morristown, NJ)
Clowes Fund Inc., The
250 E. 38th St. (765) 923-3264 Contact: Allen W. Clowes - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $60,920,313 |
Planned Parenthood of Central Indiana (Indianapolis) $12,000 authorized: 1995 ** $12,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Collins Foundation, The
1618 S.W. 1st Ave., Ste. 305 (503) 227-7171 Contact: William C. Pine - Exec. V.P. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $143,240,770 |
Planned Parenthood of Columbia-Willamette (Portland) $25,000 authorized: 1995 ** $25,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Colorado Trust
The Colorado Trust Building (303) 837-1200 |
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (Denver) $10,000 Nov 17, 1992 *** "For general support in recognition of their efforts on behalf of children and families in Colorado" |
Columbus Foundation
1234 East Broad Street (614) 251-4000 |
Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio (Columbus, Ohio) $22,000 Nov 29, 1994 *** $22,000 authorized: 1994 ** $16,400 Jan 11, 1994 *** $30,000 July 13, 1993 *** "To create the Teen Services Center in the Franklinton neighborhood of Columbus to provide education, counseling, and referrals to teen-agers" $25,000 Jan 12, 1993 *** "For the Teen Services Center in South Linden, Ohio" |
Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, The (DC)
(aka: The Foundation for the National Capital Region )
1112 16th St. N.W., Ste. 340 (202) 955-5890 Contact: Terri Lee Freeman - Pres.
FAX: (202)955-8084
Fiscal Date: 03/31/97 Assets: $66,083,660 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Metro Wash DC $25,000 authorized: 1996 ** $10,000 authorized: 1996 $90,000 authorized: 1995 $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** $17,500 authorized: 1994 ** |
Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central Virginia
1025 Boulders Pkwy, Ste 405 (804) 330-7400 |
Virginia League for Planned Parenthood (Richmond) $13,241 Nov 30, 1995 *** ** "To underwrite the Barber Shop Model,' a collaborative program with local barber shops to provide disease-prevention information to young men" ("prevention program ... using neighborhood barber shops as information distribution points") |
Compton Foundation Inc.
545 Middlefield Rd., Ste. 178 Telephone: (650) 328-0101 Contact: Edith T. Eddy - Exec. Dir. FAX: (650) 328-0171 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 .
Minority Focus: "Binational" Bogota, Colombia |
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Metro. Wash. DC $25,000 authorized: 1995 ** [For Breaking Barriers Program & Sursum Corda Youth Project] $25,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood Asso. of San Mateo County
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York)
Planned Parenthood Federation, International (New York)
Planned Parenthood of Alameda/San Francisco
Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona (Phoenix)
Planned Parenthood of Marin & Sonoma (San Rafael, CA)
Planned Parenthood of New York City
Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridge (Roanoke)
Planned Parenthood/Shasta-Diablo (Walnut Creek, CA)
Planned Parenthood, Mar Monte (San Jose, CA)
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Santa Clara County (San Jose, CA)
Planned Parenthood of San Diego & Riverside Counties |
Incorporated Foundation (aka: Corning Glass Works Foundation )
MP-LB-02-1 (607) 974-8746
Kristin A. Swain, Foundation Pres. http://www.corning.com/1cif.html Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $3,437,043 |
Planned Parenthood of the Southern Tier (Elmira, NY) $25,000 authorized: 1995 ** $25,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Cowles Media
Foundation 329 Portland Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55415-1112 (612) 673-7051; (612) 673-7100 Janet Veith, Fdn. & Community Rels. Coord. FAX: (612) 673-7020 http://www.cowles.com/index.html Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 03/31/96 Assets: $11,952,683 |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota Saint Paul, MN $50,000 authorized: 1996 ** "For continued support for capital campaign" $12,000 authorized: 1996 ** $50,000 authorized: 1995 ** $12,000 authorized: 1995 ** $10,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Crystal Trust
1088 DuPont Bldg. (302) 774-8421 Contact: Stephen C. Doberstein - Dir. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $113,725,881 |
Planned Parenthood of Delaware Wilmington, DE $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For security upgrade; building/renovation, etc." $12,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Dade Community Foundation (also known as: Dade Foundation )
200 S Biscayne Blvd, Ste 2780 (305) 371-2711 Contact: Ruth Shack - Pres. FAX: (305) 371-5342 Type of foundation: Community
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $51,946,387 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Greater Miami
(Florida) $25,000 May 4, 1993 *** |
P.O. Box 7794 (650) 875-3800 or (800) 275-SAFE FAX: (650) 873-3808 http://datasafe-sf.com Email Comments |
Planned Parenthood $200 in 1999 Source: Company website
David & Lucille Packard Foundation
300 Second Street . 415 948-7658 http://www.packfound.org/packhome.htm . The David and Lucile Packard Foundation plans to give at least $333 million over the next five years to reproductive health programs and population control groups worldwide, the San *Jose Mercury reported 11/7/98. $75 million has been allocated for 1999. The foundation made nearly 100 population-related grants last year. Minority Focus: Latinos Hispanics Mexico Tanzania Pakistan South Africa http://www.packfound.org/awards/03pop397.htm |
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (San Jose) $400,000 Source: 11/7/98, San Jose Mercury News
Catholics for Free Choice (Washington, D.C.)
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
(London, England)
Alan Guttmacher Institute (New York)
Asociacion Pro-bienestar de la Familia Colombiana-profamilia
(Santafe de Bogota, Colombia)
AVSC International (New York)
Bridging the Gap Foundation (Decatur,
Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (New York)
Centre for Development and Population Activities
(Washington, D.C.)
Centro Mujeres (Baja California Sur, Mexico)
Centro para los Adolescentes de San Miguel de Allende (CASA)
(Guanajuato, Mexico )
Cidhal (Morelos, Mexico)
Comité de America Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los
Derechos de la Mujer (Lima, Peru)
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (Hannover, Germany)
Equilibres and Populations (Paris, France)
Family Care International (New York)
Humanity Association (Calcutta, India)
IPAS (Carrboro, North Carolina)
Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Md)
Nation Institute (New York, New York)
Nat'l Abortion & Reprod. Rights Action League Fdn (NARAL) ,
Washington, D.C.
National Audubon Society (New York)
National Family Planning &Reproductive Health Association
(Washington, D.C.)
Planned Parenthood Association Mar Monte (San Jose,
Planned Parenthood Association of Humboldt County
(Eureka, Calif)
Population Action International (Washington,
Population Reference Bureau (Washington,
Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)
(Seattle, Wash)
Self Reliance Foundation (Santa Fe, New
Teen Pregnancy Coalition of San Mateo County (Redwood
City, Calif)
United Nations (New York)
World Population Foundation (Hilversum, The
Planned Parenthood Association of Santa Clara County, San Jose, CA
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York,
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, San Francisco
Planned Parenthood Federation, International, London, England
Planned Parenthood Federation, International, Western Hemisphere
Region, New York
Planned Parenthood of Alameda/San Francisco
Planned Parenthood, Golden Gate, San Mateo, CA
Planned Parenthood Association of San Mateo County, San Mateo, CA
Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties, San Diego,
Planned Parenthood/Shasta-Diablo Walnut Creek, CA
Planned Parenthood, Rocky Mountain, Aurora, CO
Planned Parenthood Association of Monterey County, Monterey, CA
Planned Parenthood of Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz, CA |
Dayton Hudson
Foundation Target Stores, Mervyn's, Dayton's
777 Nicollet Mall
(612) 370-6553 Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 01/31/97 Assets: $29,000,000 |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota Saint Paul, MN $18,000 authorized: 1996 ** $18,000 authorized: 1995 ** $18,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Deaconess Community Foundation
4269 Pearl Road, Suite 108 (216) 741-4077 FAX (216) 741-6042 E-mail: deacfdn@en.com Web site says "...guided by the spiritual traditions of the United Church of Christ." |
Planned Parenthood
$10,000 (1997) ** |
Dyson Foundation
P.O. Box 489 (518) 789-9383 Diana M. Gurieva - Exec. Dir.
FAX: (518) 789-9381 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $4,789,619 |
Planned Parenthood of Dutchess/Ulster Poughkeepsie, NY $25,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For services for women and teenagers in Dutchess County and for advocacy and education programs" |
Eden Hall Foundation
600 Grant St., Ste. 3232 (412) 642-6697 George C. Greer - Chair. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $137,871,749 |
Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania Pittsburgh,
PA $50,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For new health center" |
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
250 Park Avenue, Suite 900 (212) 551-9100 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $75,000 Dec 1, 1992 *** "To provide formerly homeless families with information about birth control and family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, and the importance of consistent health care" |
The Educational Foundation of America
35 Church Ln. (203) 226-6498 Diane M. Allison - Exec. Dir. E-mail: efa@efaw.org Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $185,767,060
Minority Focus: Hispanics |
Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey Morristown,
NJ $65,600 authorized: 1996 "or National Initiative for Contraceptive Education"
Planned Parenthood of New York City
Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties Santa Ana,
Planned Parenthood-World Population Los Angeles
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY
Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut New Haven, CT
Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey Morristown, NJ
Edwin S. Webster Foundation
230 Congress St., 3rd Fl.
(617) 426-7172 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $32,466,795 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York)
$25,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation
P.O. Box 5756, LSC. 2066 (216) 575-2760 Contact: Richard W. Mack - Secy. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $79,212,381 |
Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland $50,000 authorized: 1995 $20,000 authorized: 1994 |
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation Inc.
290 Pratt St. (203) 639-5544 Contact: Sally Bowles - Pres. FAX: (203) 639-5545 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $72,747,757 |
Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridge Roanoke, VA $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
F. M. Kirby Foundation Inc.
P.O. Box 151 (973) 538-4800 Contact: F.M. Kirby - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $360,348,704 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY $100,000 authorized: 1996 ** $80,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey Morristown, NJ
Planned Parenthood of North East Pennsylvania Trexlertown, PA
Planned Parenthood of Orange and Durham Counties Chapel Hill, NC
Faye McBeath Foundation
1020 N Broadway, Ste 112 (414) 272-2626 Contact: Sarah M. Dean - Exec. Dir.
FAX: (414) 272-6235 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $19,468,000 |
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (Milwaukee) $25,000 Jan 11, 1994 *** $23,000 authorized: 1996 "To hire adolescent services coordinator to improve capacity to provide educational services to teens in clinics at time health services are received"** |
First Union Corporation
One First Union Center
Phone: 704-374-6161 www.firstunion.com |
. |
Flinn Foundation
3300 N Central Ave, Ste 2300 http://aspin.asu.edu/flinn/index.html (602) 274-9000 Minority Focus: Minorities |
Planned Parenthood of Southern Arizona (Tucson) $22,583 over 18 months Aug 10, 1995 *** $22,583 authorized: 1995 ** 1 1/2-grant "Economically disadvantaged... Minorities" |
Ford Foundation
320 East 43rd Street (212) 573-5000 http://www.fordfound.org/ Minority Focus:
International |
Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights Educational Fund $120,000 over two years Sept 8, 1992 *** "For its Women of Color Partnership Program, which is concerned with the reproductive-health concerns of minority women"
Planned Parenthood Federation, International (London)
Planned Parenthood Federation, International, Western Hemisphere
Region (New York) |
Fortis, Inc.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza, 41st Floor
Phone: 212-859-7000 wwww.us.fortis.com |
. |
Freddie Mac Foundation
8200 Jones Branch Drive (703) 903-2214 |
Planned Parenthood of Metro Washington $25,000 Feb 8, 1994 ***
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Metro. Wash. DC |
Frederick S. Upton Foundation
1 First National Plz., Ste. 0101 (312) 732-4260 E. Upton - Chair. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $29,783,660 |
Planned Parenthood Association of SW Michigan Benton Harbor, MI
$20,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Frey Foundation
48 Fountain St, NW, Ste 200 (616) 451-0303 |
Planned Parenthood Centers of West Michigan (Grand
Rapids) $65,600 Aug 10, 1995 *** "For emergency security improvements to three Grand Rapids-area facilities"
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Northern Michigan Petoskey,
MI |
Gannett Foundation
(aka: Gannett Communities Fund/Gannett Co. Inc.)
1100 Wilson Blvd., 30th Fl. Contact: Irma Simpson - Mgr.
FAX: (703) 558-3819 Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $6,910,203 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Nashville $10,000 authorized: 1995 "To develop self-sustaining clinic; Program development; Reproductive health..." |
William H. Gates Foundation
4756 University Village Plz., NE, Ste. 579 (206) 523-6616; (206) 524-4248 William H. Gates, Sr. - Admin. http://dostal.da.ru/billgates/phil.htm Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 03/31/97 Assets: $210,000,000 |
United Nations Population Fund $1,700,000 for two population and development programmes Source: UNPF Press Release 4/22/98 |
Gates Foundation
3200 Cherry Creek S. Dr., Ste. 630 (303) 722-1881 C. Thomas Kaesemeyer - Exec. Dir.
FAX: (303) 698-9031 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $165,669,895 |
Planned Parenthood, Rocky Mountain Aurora, CO |
General Mills
P.O. Box 1113 (612) 540-7891 Reatha Clark King - Pres., Exec. Dir.
FAX: (612) 540-4925 Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 05/31/96 Assets: $46,929,735 Product list: www.genmills.com/products/ |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota Saint Paul, MN $68,000 authorized: 1996 ** $18,000 authorized: 1995 ** $18,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Gill Foundation
8 South Nevada Ave. Contact: Tim Gill (founder/chairman of Quark, Inc.)
719-473-4455 www.gillfoundation.org |
Planned Parenthood of the Mid-Hudson Valley, Poughkeepsie, NY
$7,500 for Circles program. (Source: Gill Foundation web site 7/99) |
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
85 Gillett Street
(860) 548-1888 Christopher H. Hall, Dir. of Programs; Sandra B. Wood, Dir. of Development & Commun. Type of foundation: Community |
Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut (New Haven) $180,485 authorized: 1997 $82,427 authorized: 1995 ** $47,470 authorized: 1994 ** |
Esther A. & Joseph Klingenstein Fund Inc.
787 7th Ave., 6th Fl. (212) 492-6181 Contact: John Klingenstein - Pres. FAX: (212) 492-7007 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 09/30/96 Assets: $105,292,111 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $50,000 authorized: 1995 ** $50,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
George D. Smith Fund Inc.
805 3rd Ave., 20th Fl. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $48,982,825 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY $100,000 authorized: 1995 ** $100,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
The George Elkin Charity Trust | Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa (PPASA) R 10,000 (1998) |
George Gund Foundation
1845 Guildhall Building (216) 241-3114 Contact: David Bergholz - Exec. Dir. FAX: (216) 241-6560 http://www.gundfdn.org/ Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 |
Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights Educational Fund $5,000 April 20, 1995 *** . $25,000 May 17, 1994 *** $25,000 Feb 9, 1993 ***
National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) Foundation
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (NY)
Planned Parenthood of Cleveland (Ohio)
Catholics for a Free Choice
National Women's Law Center
NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Asso. |
Global Fund for Women
425 Sherman Avenue, Suite 300 e-mail: gfw@globalfundforwomen.org (415) 853-8305 |
Federation for Women and Planned Parenthood (Poland)
$10,000 May 4, 1993 *** "To respond to Polish women's growing need for contraceptives and reproductive-health information through a hotline, informational leaflets, and demonstrations" |
Greater Birmingham Foundation, The
2027 1st Ave. N. (205) 328-8641 Contact: Mimi W. Tynes - Pres. FAX: (205) 328-6576 Type of foundation: Community
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $74,368,120 |
Planned Parenthood of Alabama (Birmingham)
$25,350 authorized: 1996 ** |
Harry A. & Margaret D. Towsley Fdn
235 Main St. E., Ste. 120 (517) 837-1100 Contact: Margaret Ann Riecker - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $52,939,563 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Northern Michigan Petoskey,
MI $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For Peer Education Program" $10,000 authorized: 1994 ** "For Peer Education Program in Traverse City"
Planned Parenthood of Mid-Michigan Ann Arbor, MI |
Harry & Grace Steele Foundation
441 Old Newport Blvd., Ste. 301 (949) 631-0418 Contact: Elizabeth R. Steele - Secy. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 10/31/96 Assets: $31,542,103 |
Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties (San Diego,
CA) $137,233 authorized: 1996 ** $75,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood-World Population (Los Angeles )
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York)
Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties (Santa
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY
Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties Orange,
CA |
Harvard University Community Gifts Campaign
Massachusetts Avenue (617) 495-1598; (617) 495-1000 http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/1998/11.19/charity.html |
Planned Parenthood 1998-99 (Source: University web site, which states: "Many local charities have come to rely on the generosity of Harvard workers. The following charities have been the most consistently popular charities over the past 10 years: AIDS Action Committee, ... Planned Parenthood ...") |
Helen Bader Foundation
777 E Wisconsin Ave, Ste 3275 e-mail: info@bader.org (414) 224-6464 |
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (Milwaukee, WI) $157,000 authorized: 1997 ** $12,000 authorized: 1996 ** ["For general support and to assess relevance of services for current and prospective female teen patients in several Milwaukee locations"]
$30,000 May 4, 1995 *** ["To determine teen-agers' levels of compliance
with birth-control recommendations, evaluate the way teen-agers are monitored,
and improve current ways of providing services to young people"] |
Helena Rubinstein Foundation Inc.
477 Madison Ave., 7th Fl. (212) 750-7310 Contact: Diane Moss - Pres. and C.E.O. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 05/31/97 Assets: $33,230,587 Minority Focus: "Minorities" |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY $30,000 authorized: 1997 ** $30,000 authorized: 1996 ** $25,000 authorized: 1996 ** $30,000 authorized: 1995 ** $30,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood of New York City |
The Hershey Foundation
Ms. Debra Hershey Guren, President
10229 Prouty Road |
Planned Parenthood
$10,000 (1998) ** |
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
375 Park Ave., Ste. 1602 (212) 319-8700 Contact: James C. Slaughter - C.E.O. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $569,274,421 |
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Bucks County Bristol, PA $35,000 authorized: 1995
Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona Phoenix,
Planned Parenthood of Northwest New Jersey Morristown, NJ
Planned Parenthood Association of SE Penn. Philadelphia,
PA |
Houston Endowment
600 Travis, Suite 6400 (713) 238-8100 . http://www.hou-endow.org/ |
Planned Parenthood of Houston and SE Texas (Houston) $75,000 authorized: 1997 ** $75,000 authorized: 1996 ** $75,000 authorized: 1995 ** $75,000 Sept 7, 1995 ***
Foundation for the Museum of Medical Science (Houston)
Doctors' Services Foundation (Houston) |
The Huber Foundation
P.O. Box 277 (732) 933-7700 Contact: Lorraine Barnhart, V.P. , Exec. Dir. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $42,074,547 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY $175,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts Cambridge, MA
Planned Parenthood of Monmouth County Shrewsbury, NJ
Planned Parenthood of New York City
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England Williston, VT
Planned Parenthood, Rocky Mountain Aurora, CO |
Independence Foundation
200 S. Broad St., Ste. 1101 (215) 985-4009 Contact: Susan E. Sherman - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $127,816,044 |
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Bucks County Bristol, PA $50,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Southeastern Pennsylvania Philadelphia
Planned Parenthood of Chester County West Chester, PA
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Bucks County Bristol, PA
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Southeastern Pennsylvania Philadelphia
Planned Parenthood of Chester County West Chester, PA |
Indianapolis Foundation
615 N Alabama St, Ste 119 (317) 634-7497 |
Planned Parenthood (Indianapolis) $18,000 April 20, 1995 ***
Planned Parenthood of Central Indiana (Indianapolis) |
James Irvine Foundation
Steuart Tower, Ste. 2500 (415) 777-2244 Contact: Heather Graham - Grants Mgr. FAX: (415) 777-0869 777 S. Figueroa St., Ste. 740, LA, CA 90017-5430 (213) 236-0552 FAX: (213) 236-0537 URL: http://www.irvine.org Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $932,242,145 http://www.irvine.org/ . Minority Focus: Hispanics/Latinas "Migrant workers" . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .
Planned Parenthood, Alameda/San Francisco $150,000 Sept 21, 1995 ***
Planned Parenthood of Central California (Fresno)
Planned Parenthood-Orange & San Bernardino Counties (CA)
Planned Parenthood of San Diego & Riverside Counties (CA)
Planned Parenthood of Sacramento Valley (CA)
Planned Parenthood of Shasta Diablo (Concord, CA)
Planned Parenthood-World Population (Los Angeles)
Planned Parenthood/Monterey County (Monterey, CA)
Planned Parenthood/Santa Cruz County (CA)
Planned Parenthood of Central Calif. (Fresno)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York)
Planned Parenthood/Orange & San Bernadino Counties (CA)
Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties Santa Ana,
Planned Parenthood, Mar Monte San Jose, CA
Planned Parenthood of Alameda/San Francisco
Planned Parenthood of Central California Fresno, CA
Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties San Diego,
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Santa Clara County San Jose, CA
Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties San Diego,
Planned Parenthood of Santa Barbara, Ventura & San Luis Obispo
Counties (Santa Barbara, CA) |
John S. & James L. Knight Foundation (aka: Knight Foundation)
One Biscayne Tower, Ste 3800 (305) 539-0009; (305) 908-2600 http://www.knightfdn.org/ Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 |
Planned Parenthood of Summit, Portage, and Medina Counties (Akron,
OH) $30,872 authorized: 1998
Planned Parenthood, Mar Monte, San Jose, CA
Planned Parenthood Asso. of SW Florida, Sarasota
Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami
Planned Parenthood, Mountain Maternal Health League, Berea, KY
Planned Parenthood Asso.of Greater Miami (Coconut Grove)
Mountain Maternal Health League Planned Parenthood (Berea, KY) |
John Steele Zink Foundation
1259 E. 26th St. (918) 749-8249 Contact: Jacqueline A. Zink - Tr. Type of foundation: Independent Fiscal Date: 10/31/96 Assets: $41,398,464 Total Giving: $1,885,322 |
Planned Parenthood of Eastern Okla. & Western Arkansas
$30,000 authorized: 1995 ** $30,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation
50 Hurt Plz., Ste. 1200 (404) 522-6755 Contact: Charles H. McTier - Pres. FAX: (404) 522-7026 E-mail: fdns@woodruff.org Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $1,208,954,802 |
Planned Parenthood Association of the Atlanta Area
$150,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For expansion and improvement of Downtown Health Center" |
Joukowsky Family Foundation
410 Park Ave., Ste. 1610 Contact: Nina Joukowsky Koprulu - Pres. E-mail: jffnyc@ibm.net Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 10/31/96 Assets: $48,923,305 |
Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island Providence, RI $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** $10,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Koret Foundation
33 New Montgomery Street, Suite 1090 E-mail: kfdn@aol.com (415) 882-7740 |
Planned Parenthood Shasta Diablo (CA) $25,000 Jan 11, 1994 *** "To purchase & renovate a new administrative & clinic facility"
Planned Parenthood of Marin, Sonoma and Mendocino (CA)
Planned Parenthood Association of San Mateo County (CA) |
The Kresge Foundation
Box 3151 (810) 643-9630
Contact: John E. Marshall III FAX: (248) 643-0588 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 . .
Planned Parenthood Asso.of Santa Clara County, San Jose, CA $350,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota (St. Paul)
Planned Parenthood Center of Syracuse (NY)
Planned Parenthood of Essex County (Montclair, NJ)
Planned Parenthood Center of Syracuse (NY)
Planned Parenthood (Montclair, NJ)
Planned Parenthood of Suffolk County (Commack, NY)
Planned Parenthood Asso. of the Mercer Area (Trenton, NJ)
Planned Parenthood League of Mass. (Cambridge)
Planned Parenthood Asso.of San Mateo County (CA) |
Leland Fikes Foundation Inc.
Planned Parenthood of Dallas and Northeast Texas Dallas, TX
$35,471 authorized: 1995 ** "For Justice Fund and community education"
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY
Planned Parenthood of Dallas and Northeast Texas Dallas, TX
Catholics for Free Choice |
Levi Strauss Foundation
1155 Battery St., 7th Fl. (415) 501-6579 Contact: Richard Woo, Exec. Dir.; Judy Belk, V.P., Contribs.; Gina Warren, Dir., Contribs.; Shirley Strong, Mgr., Contribs. (Bay Area); Annette Morales, Mgr., Contribs. (Southwestern Region); Mary Ellen McLoughlin, Mgr., Contribs. (Eastern and Mid-South Regions); and Ramiro Cavazos, Mgr., Contribs. (Rio Grande and Arkansas Regions); Henry Molina, Mgr., Contribs., (Miami, FL) Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $114,914,449 Minority Focus: Latinos |
Planned Parenthood Asso.of Hidalgo County, McAllen, TX $10,700 authorized: 1995 [Hispanic. Latinos] ** $10,700 authorized: 1994 ** |
Lilly Endowment Inc.
2801 North Meridian Street (317) 924-5471 http://www.ats.edu/spons/l0000235.htm Minority Focus: "Minorities" |
Planned Parenthood of Central Indiana (Indianapolis) $75,000 authorized: 1996 ** $75,000 authorized: 1995 ["Minorities"] $75,000 May 4, 1995 *** $80,000 Nov 16, 1993 *** "For a neighborhood-based teen-pregnancy- prevention program in Indianapolis" $40,172 May 5, 1992 *** |
Liz Claiborne & Art Ortenberg Foundation
(aka The Ortenberg Foundation )
650 5th Ave. (212) 333-2536 Contact: James Murtaugh - Prog. Mgr. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 01/31/96 Assets: $37,856,974 |
Planned Parenthood Federation, International New York, NY
$10,000 authorized: 1996 $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Loews Foundation
1 Park Ave., 15th Fl. (212) 545-2643 Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
The Lois & Richard England Family Foundation
PO BOX 11582, Cleveland Park Station 202/244-4636 202/244-9566 (fax) email: engfmfnd@mail.clark.net |
Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington $10,000 (1998) ** $7,500 (1997) ** $7,500 (1996) ** |
Thomas J. Long Foundation
P.O. Box 5222 (925) 937-1170 Contact: Marcia A. Sander Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $83,238,918 |
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Butte, Contra Costa, Napa & Solano
Counties, Walnut Creek, CA $50,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation Inc.
437 Madison Ave. (212) 756-3376 Contact: Richard Abrons - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $38,000,000 |
Planned Parenthood of Westchester and Rockland (Hawthorne, NY)
$10,000 authorized: 1996 ** $15,000 authorized: 1996 ** $15,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood of Suffolk County (Commack, NY)
Planned Parenthood of New York City
Planned Parenthood of Westchester White Plains, NY |
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
140 S Dearborn St, Suite 1100 312 726-8000 http://www.macfdn.org/ Minority Focus:
Caribbean; International |
Planned Parenthood Federation, International, Western Hemisphere Region, New York $575,000 authorized: 1994 3-yr grant ** [Caribbean; International; Latin America] |
Marin Community Foundation
17 E. Sir Francis Drake Blvd 415 461-3333 http://midas.org/npo/mcf/mcf.html |
Planned Parenthood, Golden Gate, San Mateo, CA $67,000 authorized: 1997 **
Planned Parenthood of Marin & Sonoma, San Rafael, CA |
Martin Foundation Inc.
IN |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York $10,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood of North Central Indiana, South Bend |
Mary Owen Borden Foundation
40 Bayberry Road Thos. A. Borden, Exec. Dir. (609) 730-9255 |
Planned Parenthood of Central NJ, Shrewsbury $8,000 (1996) "This agency provides health care services to clients throughout Monmouth County. This grant provided funds to support the organizations move into a newly renovated and expanded clinic." **
Planned Parenthood Association of Mercer Area, Trenton |
Massey Charitable Trust
PA |
Planned Parenthood Association of the Atlanta Area $15,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
McCune Charitable Foundation
NM |
Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh $100,000 authorized: 1996 ** "To expand Peer Education Program to inner-city high schools"
Planned Parenthood of the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, NM |
James S. McDonnell Foundation
1034 South Brentwood Blvd. 314-721-1532 http://www.jsmf.org |
Planned Parenthood of Saint Louis $12,500 authorized: 1995 ** $12,500 authorized: 1994 ** |
McGregor Fund
MI |
Planned Parenthood of Southeast Michigan, Warren, MI $20,000 authorized: 1996 [For Teen Theater, touring company performing educational reality situations for peers and Baby Think It Over, program providing teens with a computerized baby doll which simulates the responsibilities of parenting] **
Planned Parenthood League of Detroit |
McInerny Foundation
HI |
Planned Parenthood of Hawaii, Honolulu $20,000 authorized: 1996 ** $15,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
The MCJ Foundation
NJ |
Planned Parenthood of Essex County, Newark, NJ $15,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Meadows Foundation Inc.
Wilson Historic District 800 826-9431 http://www.mfi.org/ Minority Focus: Hispanic/Latinos |
Planned Parenthood Association of Cameron and Willacy Counties,
Brownsville, TX $58,510 authorized: 1997 [To continue Positive Directions program for teen pregnancy prevention among Hispanic adolescents ... Latinos] **
Planned Parenthood Association of Hidalgo County, McAllen, TX |
The Medtronic Foundation
7000 Central Avenue, N.E.
http://www.medtronic.com/ (612) 574-4000 Minority Focus: "Minorities" |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, St. Paul $12,000 authorized: 1996 ** $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** [Minorities] $10,000 February 23, 1995 *** "For a project for high-risk youth" |
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
140 East 62nd Street 212 838-8400 http://www.mellon.org/ |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $450,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Richard King Mellon Foundation
One Mellon Bank Center 412 392-2800 |
Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh $70,000 authorized: 1995 (3-yr grant) ** |
Eugene & Agnes E. Meyer Foundation
DC |
Planned Parenthood Association of Metropolitan Wash., DC $25,000 authorized: 1997 ** $41,600 authorized: 1996 ** $10,000 authorized: 1995 [For report and media campaign, State of Family Planning in the District of Columbia] ** |
Michael Reese Health Trust
Dorothy H. Gardner, President
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 760 (312) 726-1008 Fax: (312) 726-2797 E-mail: info@healthtrust.net |
Planned Parenthood, Chicago Area
(1998-99) for "Linked Services Program " ** |
1020 N. Broadway, Suite 112 (414) 272-5805 Contact: Douglas M. Jansson - Exec. Dir.
FAX: (414) 272-6235 Type of foundation: Community
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $200,143,540 Minority Focus:
Teens "on near south side," |
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Milwaukee $21,000 authorized: 1996 ** "To create Adolescent Services Coordinator position" $35,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For teen mentoring projects targeted at Kosciuszko Middle School students ... Children/ youth; Elementary/secondary education" $13,125 authorized: 1995 ** "For teen mentoring project aimed at reducing teen pregnancy on near south side" $35,000 Sept 7, 1995 *** "To develop a mentor project for middle-school students at high risk for teen-age pregnancy" $35,000 July 12, 1994 *** "For a mentor project aimed at reducing teen-age pregnancy on the near south side of Milwaukee" $35,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Montgomery Street Foundation
CA |
Planned Parenthood Association of San Mateo County, CA $15,000 authorized: 1995
Planned Parenthood of Alameda/San Francisco
Planned Parenthood Association of San Mateo County, CA
Planned Parenthood-World Population, Alameda San Francisco |
The Moody Foundation
2302 Postoffice St, Suite 704 (409) 763-5333 Minority Focus: Latinos |
Planned Parenthood Center of Austin (Texas) $10,000 March 23, 1995 ***
Planned Parenthood Center of Austin, Austin, TX |
Moore Family Foundation
CA |
Planned Parenthood Association of Santa Clara County, San Jose,
CA $28,909 authorized: 1995 ** $28,909 authorized: 1994 ** |
J. P. Morgan Charitable Trust
NY |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $50,000 authorized: 1995 ** $50,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Morgan Stanley Foundation
NY |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** $10,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Moriah Fund
IN . Minority Focus: Mexico Colombia |
Planned Parenthood of Central & Northern Arizona, Phoenix $35,000 authorized: 1994 [Mexico] **
Planned Parenthood Federation, International, Western Hemisphere
Region, New York
Planned Parenthood of Central Indiana, Indianapolis
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York |
Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, DC | Planned Parenthood Asso. of Metropolitan Washington DC $400,000 authorized: 1996 ** $200,000 authorized: 1995 ** $400,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Margaret T. Morris Foundation, AZ
Minority Focus: Mexico |
Planned Parenthood of Central & Northern Arizona, Phoenix $15,000 authorized: 1995 [Mexico] ** $45,000 authorized: 1994 [Mexico] **
Planned Parenthood of Suffolk County, Commack, NY |
Henry & Lucy Moses Fund Inc., NY | Planned Parenthood of New York City $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** $10,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Nathan Cummings Foundation
1926 Broadway, Suite 600 http://www.nfc.org (212) 787-7300 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (NY) $38,175 Nov 15, 1994 *** "To examine the connections and financial sources within the social and political coalitions responsible for anti-abortion attacks" $38,175 authorized: 1994 ** "For Opposition Research Project in examination of social and political coalitions responsible for arts censorship campaigns and attacks in reproductive health care community" |
Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Foundation (aka: Nationwide Insurance Foundation )
1 Nationwide Plz. (614) 249-5095 Contact: Stephen A. Rish - Pres. Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $41,241,914 |
Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio, Columbus $10,400 authorized: 1995 ** [For half time educator] $10,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
New York Community Trust
Two Park Ave, 24th Floor 212 686-0010 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $50,000 authorized: 1996 ** |
New York Times
229 W. 43rd St.
Phone: 212-556-1234 www.nytimes.com |
. |
New-Land Foundation Inc.
NY |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $15,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York |
Edward John Noble Foundation Inc.
NY |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York $75,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, New Haven, CT
Planned Parenthood of New York City |
The Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation
239 Joaquin Ave. (510) 351-8626 Contact: Patricia Canepa - Chair. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $2,858,317 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Utah Salt Lake City,
UT $15,000 authorized: 1995 ** $15,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
The Nord Family Foundation
OH |
Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland $30,000 authorized: 1996 (2-yr grant) **
Planned Parenthood, Central South Carolina, Columbia |
Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation
Six East 39th Street, 12th Floor e-mail: noyes@igc.org
(212) 684-6577 Minority Focus: "minorities" |
Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights $30,000 Nov 3, 1992 *** "To strengthen the commitment of religious leaders from churches with minority populations to safeguard reproductive rights" $25,000 (Source: 1996 Annual Report)
Planned Parenthood of Central & Northern Arizona
(Phoenix) |
The Offield Family Foundation
IL |
Planned Parenthood Association of Chicago $100,000 authorized: 1995 ** $100,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood Association of Northern Michigan, Petoskey |
Omaha Community Foundation
NE |
Planned Parenthood of Omaha-Council Bluffs, Omaha $19,700 authorized: 1995 ** $10,600 authorized: 1994 ** |
Bernard Osher Foundation
CA |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, San Francisco $66,227 authorized: 1995 ** $33,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Otto Bremer Foundation
Suite 2000, 445 Minnesota St. (651) 227-8036; (888) 291-1123 Fax: (651) 312-3550 E-mail: obf@bremer.com |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota (St. Paul)
$22,000 (1998) "To purchase equipment for clinics in rural areas."** $22,000.00 (1997) "To purchase equipment for clinics in rural areas."** |
Oxford Foundation Inc.
PA |
Planned Parenthood of Chester County West Chester, PA $26,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Pasadena Foundation
16 N. Marengo Ave., Ste. 302 (626) 796-2097 Contact: Virginia C. Krueger - Exec. Dir. FAX: (626) 583-4738 Type of foundation: Community
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $16,300,000 |
Planned Parenthood of Pasadena (CA) $17,500 authorized: 1995 ** |
Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund
MA |
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, Cambridge, MA
$10,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Peninsula Community Foundation
CA |
Planned Parenthood, Golden Gate, San Mateo, CA $297,708 authorized: 1995 $50,000 authorized: 1995 (2-yr grant)
Planned Parenthood, Mar Monte, San Jose, CA |
Pew Charitable Trusts
One Commerce Square
e-mail:info@pewtrusts.com http://www.pewtrusts.com (215) 575-9050 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York, NY $1,440,750 authorized: 1995 (3-yr grant) **
Planned Parenthood Association of Bucks County, Bristol, PA
Planned Parenthood Asso.of SE Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York)
Planned Parenthood Association of Bucks County (Bristol,
PA) |
Philadelphia Foundation, The
1234 Market Street (215) 563-6417 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Bucks County, Bristol, PA $14,500 authorized: 1996 ** $12,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood Association of SE Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Planned Parenthood of Chester County, West Chester, PA
Planned Parenthood of Bucks County (Bristol, PA)
Planned Parenthood Asso. of SE Pennsylvania, Philadelphia |
Jay & Rose Phillips Family Foundation
Planned Parenthood-World Population, Los Angeles Grant amount: $15,000 authorized: 1996 ** Grant amount: $15,000 authorized: 1995 ** Grant amount: $10,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, St. Paul |
Pittsburgh Foundation, The
PA |
Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh $58,000 authorized: 1996 |
Playboy Foundation
680 North Lake Shore Drive (312) 751-8000 E-mail: giving@playboy.com http://www.playboy.com/pb-foundation/foundation.html |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York) $10,000 Nov 16, 1993 *** "To challenge efforts to reshape the State of Florida's sex-education curriculum into an 'abstinence-only' model that fails to meet the needs of contemporary adolescents"
Population Council Center for Biomedical Research, New
Paradise Productions, Inc., New York, NY |
Polk Bros. Foundation
420 North Wabash Avenue, Number 204 (312) 527-4684 |
Planned Parenthood of the Chicago Area (Illinois) $50,000 over two years April 5, 1994 *** "To expand the Chicago Vocational School's health and awareness project to six public schools in the Austin, Roseland, and Englewood areas"
Planned Parenthood Association of Chicago |
Prince Charitable Trusts
IL |
Planned Parenthood Asso.of Chicago $10,000 authorized: 1995
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Metropolitan Washington DC
Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island, Providence, RI |
The Principal Financial Group Foundation Inc.
IA |
Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa Des Moines, IA $20,000 authorized: 1995 |
The Prospect Hill Foundation Inc.
NY . Minority Focus: Bolivia Equador
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY $29,500 authorized: 1996 ** "For collaboration with Family Planning International Assistance to enable Servicio Agricola Rural Integrado to provide reproductive health services in Cochabamba, Boliva"
Planned Parenthood of New York City
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Family Planning Internat'l
Assistance (NY)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, NY |
The Prudential Foundation
751 Broad St., 15th Fl. (973) 802-4791 http://www.prudential.com/aboutpru/community/apczz1013.html Type of foundation: Company-sponsored
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $129,631,100 |
Planned Parenthood of Essex County, Newark, NJ $10,000 authorized: 1996
Planned Parenthood of Essex County, Montclair, NJ |
Public Welfare Foundation Inc.
2600 Virginia Ave., N.W. Room 505 Washington, D.C. 20037-1977 . (202) 965-1800 . http://www.publicwelfare.org/
Minority Focus: Mexico Colombia Sudan Thailand Bangladesh Latinos/Hispanic Guinea Vietnam "Detroit's African Americans"
. . . . . . . . . . .. |
Planned Parenthood of Central & Northern Arizona, Phoenix $75,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood of Columbia-Willamette, Portland, Oregon
Planned Parenthood of New York City
Planned Parenthood of Orange and Durham Counties, Chapel Hill, NC
Planned Parenthood of Southeast Michigan, Warren
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Virginia, Hampton
Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridge, Roanoke, VA
Planned Parenthood of West Texas, Odessa
International Planned Parenthood Federation/WH-Columbia (New
Planned Parenthood of Alabama (Birmingham)
Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona
Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette (Portland,
International Planned Parenthood Federation-Vietnam
International Planned Parenthood Federation/WH-Colombia (New
Planned Parenthood Association of Hidalgo County (McAllen,
Planned Parenthood League (Warren, Michigan)
Memphis Planned Parenthood (Tennessee)
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Memphis (TN)
Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridge (Roanoke, Virginia)
Planned Parenthood of New York City
Planned Parenthood of Orange and Durham Counties (Chapel Hill,
International Planned Parenthood Federation/WH-Mexico (New
Planned Parenthood Federation of America-Guinea (New
Planned Parenthood Association of Metropolitan Washington,
Planned Parenthood of the Southern Piedmont & Carolina Mountains
Planned Parenthood of West Texas (Odessa)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America-Mexico (New
International Planned Parenthood Federation/WH-Mexico (New
International Planned Parenthood Federation-Bangladesh
International Planned Parenthood Federation-Thailand
Planned Parenthood Federation, International (New York)
Planned Parenthood Federation, International (London)
International Planned Parenthood Federation/WH-Colombia (New
Planned Parenthood of the Capital & Coast (Raleigh,
Planned Parenthood Association of Nashville (Tennessee)
Planned Parenthood League of Detroit
Planned Parenthood Association of Cameron & Willacy Counties,
Brownsville, TX
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York)
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Cameron & Willacy Counties, Brownsville,
Planned Parenthood of Southeast Michigan, Warren, MI
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America-Sudan (New York)
Planned Parenthood Federation, International (New York) |
Bernard &Audre Rapoport Foundation
TX |
Planned Parenthood of Central Texas, Waco $50,000 authorized: 1995
Planned Parenthood, National, New York |
Rhode Island Foundation & Rhode Island Community Foundation
70 Elm Street (401) 274-4564 |
Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island (Providence) $30,000 Jan 11, 1996 *** "For office renovations" $30,000 authorized: 1995 ** $17,500 authorized: 1994 ** |
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
1 Lombard St., Ste. 303 (415) 788-1090 Duane Silverstein - Exec. Dir. FAX: (415) 788-7890 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $188,593,285 |
Planned Parenthood Association of San Mateo County (San Mateo,
CA) $40,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood of Alameda/San Francisco
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY |
Riverside Community Foundation (aka: Riverside Community Foundation)
3800 Orange St., Ste. 230 Contact: Maurice Hodgen - Exec. Dir.
69-930 Highway III, Ste. 306 FAX: (909) 684-1911 Type of foundation: Community
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $20,100,000 |
Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties, San Diego,
$14,923 authorized: 1995 ** "For project to enroll sexually active, uninsured or underinsured teenagers in clinical and educational program to reduce teen pregnancies in Coachella Valley Program development" |
Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. & Helen C. Kleberg Foundation
700 N. Saint Mary's St., Ste. 1200 (210) 271-3691 Contact: Robert L. Washington - Grants Coord. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $152,904,976 |
Planned Parenthood Center of Houston Houston, TX $25,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood of San Antonio
Planned Parenthood of Houston & Southeast Texas Houston, TX
Planned Parenthood of San Antonio |
Robert Sterling Clark Foundation
112 East 64th Street (212) 288-8900 Contact: Margaret C. Ayers - Exec. Dir. FAX: (212) 288-1033 http://fdncenter.org/grantmaker/rsclark/ Type of foundation: Independent Fiscal Date: 10/31/96 Assets: $94,494,468 Total Giving: $3,494,173 EIN:131957792. . . . . . |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America $60,000 (1998) ** Planned Parenthood of New York City $22,500 (1998) ** ACLU Foundation Reproductive Freedom Project $20,000 (1998) ** Catholics for a Free Choice $70,000 (1998) ** Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health $15,000 (1998) ** ProChoice Resource Center $182,500 (1998) ** Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice Education Fund $102,500 (1998) ** Center for Reproductive Law & Policy $100,000 (1998) ** Family Planning Advocates of New York State (Educ Fund of Family Planning Advocates of NY State) $21,250 (1998) ** Ms. Foundation for Women $105,000 (1998) ** National Abortion Federation $75,800 (1998) ** National Family Planning & Reproductive Health $60,000 (1998) ** National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health $20,000 (1998) ** Feminist Majority Foundation $75,000 (1998) **
National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) Foundation |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Route One & College Rd East (609) 452-8701 Contact: Edward H. Robbins - Proposal Mgr.
E-mail: mail@rwjf.org Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $5,595,820,816 Minority Focus: Latinos "blacks" American Indian Asian-American "Minorities" |
Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona
(Phoenix) $248,862 over three years Feb 8, 1994 *** "To reduce barriers to reproductive-health services for black, American Indian, and Asian-American women by sponsoring groups to identify important issues, training volunteer health promoters, analyzing policies and procedures, and providing staff training"
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York)
Planned Parenthood Association of the Mercer Area (Trenton,
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York) |
The Roberts Foundation
P.O. Box 29906 (415) 561-6540 Contact: Lyman H. Casey - Exec. Dir. FAX: (415) 561-6477 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $35,922,874 |
Planned Parenthood Association of San Mateo County, San Mateo,
CA $175,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For renovation of clinic in Redwood City Building/renovation" Planned Parenthood Association of Butte, Contra Costa, Napa and Solano Counties (Walnut Creek, CA) $25,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Robinson-Broadhurst Foundation Inc.
P.O. Box 160 (607) 652-2508 Contact: David R. Hillson, Pres. & Exec. Dir. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 04/30/96 Assets: $27,242,382 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Delaware & Otsego Counties
(Oneonta, NY) $10,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
The Rockefeller Foundation
NY . Minority Focus: Pakistan China |
Planned Parenthood Federation, International (London, England) $146,970 authorized: 1996 ** "To continue educational initiative in Denmark and Finland on international reproductive health/family planning issues for parliamentarians of all parties, civil servants, the media and others" $150,030 authorized: 1995 ** "To continue educational initiative on population and development for parliamentarians of all parties in Denmark and Finland"
Planned Parenthood Federation, International London, England
Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research (Shanghai, China)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America DC
Planned Parenthood Federation, International London, England |
Rockwell Fund Inc.
Planned Parenthood Center of Houston $20,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For operating support and security measures"
Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas
(Houston) |
Rowland Foundation Inc.
P.O. Box 13 Contact: Philip DuBois - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 11/30/96 Assets: $48,418,065 |
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY $10,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts Cambridge, MA |
Sacramento Regional Foundation
555 Capitol Mall, Ste. 747 (916) 492-6510 Lauren Wolkov - Exec. Dir. FAX: (916) 492-6515 Type of foundation: Community
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $14,236,255 |
Planned Parenthood of Sacramento Valley Sacramento, CA $52,110 authorized: 1995 ** |
S. H. Cowell Foundation
CA |
Planned Parenthood Association of Santa Clara County (San Jose,
CA) $200,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For Bridge to the Future expansion campaign"
Planned Parenthood of Alameda/San Francisco
Planned Parenthood, Six Rivers (Eureka, CA)
Planned Parenthood/Shasta-Diablo (Walnut Creek, CA)
Catholics for Free Choice |
Salisbury Community Foundation Inc.
NC |
Planned Parenthood of the Southern Piedmont and Carolina Mountains
Charlotte, NC $10,000 authorized: 1995 ** $18,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood of Louisiana New Orleans, LA |
The San Diego Foundation
CA |
Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties San Diego,
CA $31,500 authorized: 1996 ** $66,710 authorized: 1996 ** $49,470 authorized: 1995 ** |
The San Francisco Foundation
CA |
Planned Parenthood Association of San Mateo County San Mateo,
CA $20,000 authorized: 1996 **
Planned Parenthood of Sacramento Valley Sacramento
Planned Parenthood of Alameda/San Francisco San Francisco
Planned Parenthood/Shasta-Diablo Walnut Creek, CA |
Santa Barbara Foundation
15 E. Carrillo St. (805) 963-1873 Contact: Charles O. Slosser - Exec. Dir. FAX: (805) 966-2345
E-mails: MDAY@sbfoundation.org, Type of foundation: Community
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $95,993,217 |
Planned Parenthood of Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo
Counties Santa Barbara, CA $20,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For carpeting and phone system" $22,000 authorized: 1994 "To replace fence and repave back parking lot and walkway |
Sarkeys Foundation
116 S. Peters, Ste. 219
(405) 364-3703 Contact: Lori Atkinson - Staff Secy. E-mail: Sarkeys@telepath.com Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 11/30/97 Assets: $85,877,102 |
Planned Parenthood of Central Oklahoma Oklahoma City $25,625 authorized: 1995 ** "For tubal ligations for uninsured clinic patients" $25,625 authorized: 1994 ** "For scholarships for tubal ligations" |
The Scherman Foundation Inc.
NY |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $100,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
S. H. & Helen R. Scheuer Family Foundation Inc.
350 5th Ave., Ste. 3410 (212) 947-9009 Contact: Linda Ehrlich - Admin. Dir. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 11/30/95 Assets: $28,204,452 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $15,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Sierra Health Foundaion
1321 Garden Highway (916) 922-4755 Focus: Children & Teens |
Planned Parenthood of San Joaquin (Stockton, CA) $85,000 authorized: 1994 ** "For phases one and two of Community Partnerships for Healthy Children (CPHC) Initiative in collaboration with First Steps program. Child development...Children/youth"
Planned Parenthood, Six Rivers (Eureka, CA) |
Skillman Foundation
600 Renaissance Center, Suite 1700 Phone: 313 568-6360 http://www.skillman.org/ |
Planned Parenthood League (Warren, Michigan) $127,000 June 14, 1994 *** "For a strategic-planning project" $127,000 authorized: 1994 ** "For strategic planning project"
Planned Parenthood League (Detroit, Michigan) |
South Africa Reserve Bank | Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa (PPASA) R 1,000 (1998) |
Standard Bank | Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa (PPASA) R 7,000 (1998) |
The Starr Foundation
NY |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $45,000 authorized: 1996 ** $45,000 authorized: 1995 ** $45,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Steelcase Foundation
MI |
Planned Parenthood Centers of West Michigan Grand Rapids, MI
$79,595 authorized: 1994 ** |
The Steele-Reese Foundation
NY |
Planned Parenthood Association of Idaho Boise, ID $36,000 authorized: 1995 ** $36,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
The Stoddard Charitable Trust
370 Main St., 12th Fl. (508) 798-8621 Contact: Warner S. Fletcher - Chair. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/95 Assets: $62,494,863 |
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts Cambridge,
MA $10,000 authorized: 1995 **
Planned Parenthood League of Central Massachusetts Worcester,
MA |
Stranahan Foundation
4149 Holland-Sylvania Rd., Ste. 1 (419) 882-5575 FAX: (419) 882-2072 Contact: Pamela G. Roberts - Prog. Off. Type of foundation: Independent Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $74,813,397 |
Planned Parenthood of Northwest Ohio Toledo, OH $25,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
T. L. L. Temple Foundation
TX |
Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas Houston, TX
$50,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For general support and increased security"
Planned Parenthood Center of Houston |
Tisch Foundation Inc.
655 Madison Ave., 8th Fl. (212) 545-2000 Contact: Mark J. Krinsky - V.P. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $128,652,956 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City
$10,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
Toledo Community Foundation
608 Madison Ave, Suite 1540 (419) 241-5049 |
Planned Parenthood of Northwest Ohio (Toledo) $15,819 May 17, 1994 *** "To install a computerized telephone-information system that offers anonymous access to anyone wishing to obtain information about sexuality and reproductive health" |
The Tull Charitable Foundation
50 Hurt Plz., Ste. 1245 (404) 659-7079 Contact: Barbara Cleveland - Exec. Dir. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $68,247,887 |
Planned Parenthood Association of the Atlanta Area $34,000 authorized: 1995 ** |
Turrell Fund
21 Van Vleck St. (973) 783-9358 Contact: E. Belvin Williams - Exec. Dir.
FAX: (973) 783-9283 Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Assets: $130,603,751 |
Planned Parenthood of Essex County Newark, NJ $25,000 authorized: 1995 ** $25,000 authorized: 1994 ** |
United Hospital Fund of New York
Empire State Building (212) 494-0700 |
Planned Parenthood of New York City $50,000 March 7, 1996 *** "To identify cultural barriers to reproductive-health care among adolescents, and to develop strategies to improve services in New York City" |
United Way, etc. | Example: Planned Parenthood of East Central Illinois "Staff works with local agencies and organizations and foundations that support family planning, educational programs and/or abortion services. United Way of Champaign County supports two programs. Designated donations through United Way and Combined Campaigns are distributed to PPECI after a management fee is deducted." Source: PP website at http://www.ppeci.org/aadvocate.html (1999) |
Victoria Foundation Inc.
NJ Minorities |
Planned Parenthood of Essex County (Newark, NJ) $50,000 authorized: 1995 ** " For Teen Health Education and Leadership Program, pregnancy prevention program in Newark high schools; Program development Boys; Economically disadvantaged; Girls; Minorities; Reproductive health, family planning; Reproductive health, sexuality education; Secondary school/education; Women; Youth development, services; Youth, pregnancy prevention" $50,000 authorized: 1994 ** "For challenge grant for capital improvements to Ironbound neighborhood facility Building/renovation" $41,500 authorized: 1994 ** "For Teen Health Education and Leadership Program, which promotes responsible sexual behavior" |
Virginia Beach Foundation
community foundation Funded by the A.H. Grandy Memorial Trust
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Virginia
$2,300.00 (1998-99) "for security system upgrade" ** |
Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation
Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties San Diego,
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY
Planned Parenthood of Sacramento Valley Sacramento, CA |
Warner Norcross & Judd LLP
(150 attorneys; offices in Grand Rapids, Southfield, Muskegon & Holland, Mich.)
900 Old Kent Building 800-752-2401 (x 2295) (616) 752-2295 Fax: (616) 752-2500 http://www.wnj.com/environmental/recruit2.htm |
"Our attorneys have historically contributed their time and skills to community programs and initiatives ... Our attorneys serve on the boards of or donate legal services to many local civic and charitable organizations, including, among others ...Planned Parenthood of West Michigan ..." (Source: firm's website) |
Washington AIDS Partnership
c/o Eugene & Agnes Meyer Foundation (202) 939-3379 |
Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington (Washington, D.C.) $15,000 Feb 9, 1993 *** |
William G. Selby and Marie Selby Foundation
1800 2nd St., Ste. 905 (941) 957-0442 Contact: Debra M. Jacobs - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 05/31/97 Assets: $70,034,923 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Southwest Florida Sarasota,
FL $12,350 authorized: 1995 ** |
The William Stamps Farish Fund
10000 Memorial Dr., Ste. 920 (713) 686-7373 Contact: W.S. Farish - Pres. Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 06/30/96 Assets: $118,834,258 |
Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas Houston,
TX $20,000 authorized: 1996 ** $100,000 authorized: 1995 ** $100,000 authorized: 1994 **
Planned Parenthood of Nassau County Hempstead, NY |
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
525 Middlefield Road (415) 329-1070 Contact: David P. Gardner - Pres. FAX: (650) 329-9342 URL: http://www.hewlett.org Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/96 Total Giving: $69,280,500
. . . . . . . . . . . .
2050, Tokyo, Japan ($150,000/2 years) 1997 (Source: Foundation web site)
Comunicación e Información de la Mujer, Mexico City,
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung, Hannover, Germany
Environmental Defense Fund, New York, NY
Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida, Mexico
City, Mexico
International Center for Research on Women, Washington, DC
Italian Association for Women in Development, Rome, Italy
Izaak Walton League of America, Gaithersburg, MD
Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning,
Tokyo, Japan
National Audubon Society, New York, NY
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Washington,
National Wildlife Federation, Washington, DC
Parliamentarians for Global Action, New York, NY
Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario,
Population Action International, Washington, DC
Population Concern, London, England
Sierra Club Foundation, San Francisco, CA
Society of Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, New York,
Spanish Interest Group on Popul'n, Reprod. Health & Develop't,
Barcelona, Spain
The University of Toronto, Peace and Conflict Studies, Toronto,
The University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, Toronto, Ontario,
Väestöliitto, the Family Federation of Finland, Helsinki,
Academia Méxicana de Investigación en Demografía
Médica, Mexico City
African Medical and Research Foundation, New York, NY
Asia Foundation, San Francisco, CA
AVSC International, New York, NY
Centre for Development and Population Activities, Washington,
Centro para los Adolescentes de San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato,
Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar, Mexico
City, Mexico
Global Fund for Women, Palo Alto, CA
International Women's Health Coalition, New York, NY
Partners in Population and Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Family Planning International
Assistance, New York, NY
Planned Parenthood of New York City, Margaret Sanger Center
American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Brown University, Population Studies and Training Center, Providence,
The University of Calif at Berkeley, Department of Maternal and Child
The University of Calif at Berkeley, College of Natural Resources
The University of Calif at Berkeley, Department of Demography
Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange between East and West,
Program on Population, Honolulu, HI
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
JSI Research and Training Institute, Arlington, VA
Mahidol University, Inst for Population & Social Research,
Nakhonpathom, Thailand
The Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia, PA
Population Council, New York, NY
The Univ of Texas at Austin, Population Research Center, Austin,
Universidade Federale de Minas Gerais, Centro de Desenvolvimento e
Planejamento Regional, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Arlington, VA
Affinity Group on Population, Reproductive Health and Rights, Takoma
Park, MD
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington,
Catholics for a Free Choice, Washington, DC
Child Trends, Washington, DC
Communications Consortium Media Center, Washington, DC
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung, Hannover, Germany
Equilibres et Populations, Levallois-Perret Cedex, France
International Planned Parenthood Federation, London,
The University of Michigan, Department of Sociology, Ann Arbor,
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Washington,
Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, New York,
Population Resource Center, Princeton, NJ
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States,
New York, NY
World Population Foundation, Hilversum, The Netherlands
World Wildlife Fund, Washington, DC
Zero Population Growth, Washington, DC
CARE, Atlanta, GA
Fronteras Unidas ProSalud Asociación Civil, Tijuana, Baja
California, Mexico
Management Sciences for Health, Population Program, Boston,
Pathfinder International, Watertown, MA
Planning Assistance, Washington, DC
Program for Appropriate Technology in Health, Seattle, WA
Advocates for Youth, Washington, DC
National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Asso, Washington,
Center for Cultural & Technical Interchange between East &
West, Honolulu, HI
Johns Hopkins University, Hopkins Population Center, Baltimore,
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Population Council, Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, New
York, NY
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Public Health Institute, Los Angeles, CA
Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica
The University of California at San Francisco, Department of Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, San Francisco, CA
Population Council, Center for Biomedical Research, New York,
Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Western Region Office (San
Planned Parenthood Federation of America New York, NY
Planned Parenthood Federation, International, Western Hemisphere
Region (New York)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Affiliate Services Center
(San Francisco)
Planned Parenthood of New York City, Margaret Sanger Center International
(New York) |
William Penn Foundation
Two Logan Square, 11th Floor (215) 988-1830 Contact: Harry E. Cerino - Pres. FAX: (215) 988-1823 E-mail: infoll@wpennfdn.org http://fdncenter.org/grantmaker/wmpenn/ Type of foundation: Independent
Fiscal Date: 12/31/97 Assets: $1,006,822,169
http://fdncenter.org/grantmaker/ |
Planned Parenthood of Chester County (West Chester,
PA) $66,000 (07/28/98) ** $32,085 May 17, 1994 *** $46,200 March 9, 1995 *** $40,780 Nov 3, 1992 *** "To hire a coordinator of services for teen-agers, a new position"
Planned Parenthood of the Greater Camden Area (New
Planned Parenthood of Southern New Jersey (Camden)
Planned Parenthood Asso. of SE Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)
Planned Parenthood Asso. of Bucks County, Bristol, PA
Planned Parenthood of Chester County, West Chester, PA |
Woods Charitable Fund
P.O. Box 81309 (402) 474-0707 |
Planned Parenthood of Lincoln (NE) $25,000 authorized: 1996 ** "For purchase and renovation of second clinical site" $25,000 authorized: 1995 ** "For purchase and renovation of clinic site" $75,000 Oct 18, 1994 *** "To purchase and renovate a second site to be used as a comprehensive reproductive-health-care clinic" |
Woolworths | Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa (PPASA) R 10,397 (1998) |
Z. Smith Reynnolds Foundation, Inc.
101 Reynolda Village Phone: 910 725-7541 http://www.zsr.org/ |
Planned Parenthood of the Capital and Coast, Raleigh, NC $18,750 authorized: 1995 ** .......................................................................................................................
PAGE 2 -- Addional donors to Pro-Abortion Groups
* Note: This list is by no means exhaustive. The information contained herein continually is being updated.
** Source: The Foundation Center
*** Source: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
**** Source: Company or Foundation website
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