Genocide, infanticide, abortion, euthanasia...

by Any Name

in The Washington Times
© 1987

Human slaughterhouses in Nazi death camps -- where some of the most diabolical experiments in history were inflicted upon human life -- these, too, were headed by respected doctors of medicine, well-trained in their trade.

Proponents of abortion, such as Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and [others], repeatedly refer to "back alley" abortions as the only alternative to abortion on demand.

Such statements are an insult to the general public, as they are based on the assumption that humans are brute beasts and simply incapable of controlling their sexual desires. Such statements imply that morality is impossible, and all who think otherwise are "extremists" of the most dangerous breed.

Like it or not, sex belongs in marriage. (Genesis 34:1-7, 31) With the present threat of AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases, it appears today's America, in rebelling against the commandments of God, is learning its lessons the hard way.

It's not a highly publicized fact, but the legalization of abortion has by no means eliminated maternal morbidity consequent to the abortion procedure. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 164 maternal deaths were reported between 1972-80 as directly resulting from complications related to legal abortions in the US. (Annual Summary of the Centers for Disease Control -- Abortion Surveillance Report, issued May 1983, p. 44) And death certificates do not always list abortion as the direct cause. [The cause of death often is listed as "Infection," "Hemorrhage," etc., and therefore not included in the count of abortion-related deaths -- even when these were the direct result of abortion.] Still others are left comatose, paralyzed, sterile or otherwise permanently impaired -- not to mention the psychological and emotional trauma -- following an abortion.

Still others have been hospitalized for relatively minor injuries and abortion-related infections and recover in time.

Even if medical science were able to reduce the maternal morbidity rate of abortions to zero, the rate of infant mortality for all abortions, legal or otherwise, would remain the same: 100 percent. Where these deaths take place -- "back-alley" or Madison Avenue -- should not be so much an issue as the fact that they occur at all.

If someone is assassinated in the aseptic atmosphere of a hospital room, is he any less dead there than if the killing had occurred in the mud marshes of Vietnam? Might the fact that it was a "clean" job, performed by trained physicians, make the act any less a murder? Less painful? Or any less sin?

More palatable, perhaps; less disturbing to the conscience. It looks better. But looks can deceive. Human slaughterhouses in Nazi death camps -- where some of the most diabolical experiments in history were inflicted upon human life -- these, too, were headed by respected doctors of medicine, well-trained in their trade. Genocide, infanticide, abortion, euthanasia: Murder, by any name.

In keeping with their subtle methods of deceiving the public, pro-abortionists call themselves "pro-choice." But what's in a name? An epitaph, though eloquent and elegantly engraved, still speaks of death.

1987 © Diane Dew in The Washington Times

Abortion is BIG BU$INE$$... and the 'doctors' are making a KILLING!!!


"For they are a nation lacking in counsel & there is no understanding in them. Would that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would discern their future!" Deut 32:28 "They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons & their daughters...& the land was polluted with blood..." Psa106:38