Diane Dew's Christian
Typing & Web Design Services

"The secret ingredient is inspiration."
Reasonable Rates*


You can have your own web site for $175!


Click here to see
a $145 main page with complex format

(format may vary)

Click here to see
a sample $30-50 page

(format may vary)

Click here to see
a $40 Links page




Diane Dew
PO Box 340945
Milw, WI 53234


Diane Dew's



* Special rates for Churches & Ministries

1 main page:
   simple format   $ 75
   complex format 125

Each add'l page:    $30

Typos, spelling, etc. fixed at no extra cost.

Domain name (i.e., YourName.com) registration: Standard $70 fee for 2 years through Internic. Add'l $25 fee if I set it up.

Lots of links        +$10/pg.

Many graphics    +$10/pg.

Revisions/updates  $10/pg.

Supply explicit instructions, if you have specific expectations (page layout, etc.) - otherwise, I'll just rely on my own creativity.

Web site hosting: only $29.95 per month.



Transcribing a 1-hour sermon from cassette into Word Perfect or MSWord format. E-mailed back to you as an attachment, or snail-mailed (include additional postage).

  1 tape            $23
  2-5 tapes       $20 ea.
  6+  tapes       $18 ea.

Payment must be included with order. Please wrap tapes securely and keep a copy for yourself!

I was a journalism major, so you can expect perfect grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.

I also edit sermons and work them into articles. (People speak much differently than they write.) This involves considerable time, however, as it often requires major revisions (almost rewriting) much of the text. The cost, therefore, will vary depending on how organized your sermon is. $15.00/hour.


Send check or money order to:

Diane Dew
P.O. Box 340945
Milwaukee, WI 53234